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How Your


Payment PLan Works

So here's the nitty-gritty details...

A payment plan can be entered into once your Payment Plan Agreement and your Credit Authorization form are signed and your session fee has been paid in full. 


In order to qualify for a payment plan, your order total must be a minimum of $900 before taxes.


Your initial downpayment is 25% of the total order cost, including taxes and fees.


The remaining payments can be split based on the following order total schedule:


  • $250-$500: 2 additional payments,
    biweekly or 1x/month

  • $501-$1000: 4 additional payments,
    biweekly or 1x/month


  • $1001-$2000: 6 additional payments,
    biweekly or 1x/month


  • $2000+: 8 additional payments,
    biweekly or 1x/month


Two forms of payment must be provided to Fox Boudoir, including a primary and a backup payment option. The primary will be set to auto-pay on your scheduled payment dates, the 15th of every month. 


Upon completion of your payment plan, provided you have already completed your scheduled session, you will receive your bonus gifts, dependent upon the collection you have chosen. Please note, no bonus gift orders will be placed until your entire order is paid in full. 


At Fox Boudoir we accept credit cards, e-transfer, and cash. 



So what's the fine print?

A separate payment plan agreement must be signed prior to making your initial downpayment. You must also indicate agreement that all payments made during a payment plan are non-refundable and on auto-pay. 


If 14 days have passed without communication pertaining to a late or incomplete payment, your order will be voided with no option for a refund. 

You will have up to the total number of payments as per the listed schedule in order to complete your total purchase amount. If your purchase is not paid in full by the last agreed-upon payment date, you are at risk of waiving all payments and voiding Fox Boudoirs' responsibility for ordering products. 

An existing payment plan order may not be discounted or decreased once a payment plan has been entered into. You may only have the choice to add to your order and must do so before the first 90 days of your payment cycle to receive all of your ordered products at once. 


Please note, no products will be ordered and no digital files will be released until your full payment schedule has been resolved. 


Sound like a plan?

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